I got a total of almost 300 kills, with close to 90 killing blows. And more damage than a raid group of lvl 70's could mitigate. In the end the 3 stooges (what I playfully named me and my running partners) constituted about 7-9 defenses, and 4 captures. So we were doing the bulk of the work for the team. The last game I didn't get my 2 partners with me, I ended up with some crybaby hunter twink (it happens) saying how the team sucked (nevermind that when we started it was me and 2 druids vs 7 horde... Nevermind that they HAD 1 capture before we had an even CLOSE race in manpower.. or that I had 1k more damage than him and 10 more kills). OK the team DID suck, but to condemn the group when you come in for the last 2 captures is kinda jaded. On MY watch they only got 1.. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.
Anyway so I made 5 WSG marks and now with a little over 8k honor for dwarfenstuff. I am still missing the +20 agi enchant for my 1h weapon. To be precise I am short the prismatic shards, and 2 Greater Planar's. So its not a long journey to get that up, and running.. just massively expensive. The goal is (since all the 49 trinkets seem stupid/lame) to get 2 rune's of duty to maximize my health regen and my stamina. I'm about 4 WSG losses(since, I don't count on wins) from getting my other rune of duty.. So that leaves shoulders. I have good shoulders, but they use spirit and not stamina/intelligence, and lately I am running OOM before I can possibly die. I have mana/health pots, but I HATE using them. I much prefer fending off 5 guys and then drinking to get my mana back. I just seem to ALWAYS be in combat.
Now I've been away from WSG for a LONG time, and the new hunter abilities with arcane/aimed shot are now in full effect. I've found a few things that made life easier.
- warlocks hate me
- this is due to me leading off with arcane shot (which removes demon armor), and follow that with viper sting. It seems a silly thing to do, but locks can effectively shut people down, and I should know. The best thing to do is handicap them. Locks can/will lifetap to get mana to hurt you.. This is something I use in MY favor. I viper sting them put the pet on them and then just do autoshot. Conserve MY mana while eliminating his. I got deathcoiled like 7 times last night, which I thought was great. Mcgoo's Deathcoil is reserved for what I call "Oh S*^%!!" situations. So the fact that someone used it on me meant that I was considered a serious threat.
- Paladins hate me
- this has more to do with me just kiting the live long day out of them. I use my traps for damage and not immobilization. I use my pet to keep pressure on him and I use arcane shot to remove his mojo that makes him tough. He still bubbles/heals, which is fine. That usually drains his mana and makes him a meat puppet for me.
- Shaman should fear me
- why? well cause as a dwarf I can ditch their "frost shock" that slows me, AND I can kite them using my pet to chew their sorry butt down to the bone. They can out melee me, but I can out DPS them. I actually went into monkey aspect and finished a shammy last night. With my Agility so high my armor is buffed from it, AND I dodge like every attack.
- Warriors pwn me
- I don't know if its that I don't know how to respond, or if the warriors last night were just exceptional. They just beat me down, every time. Don't get me wrong they died quickly after cause I leave people WOUNDED. I just couldn't take a warriro 1:1, and after being with Mcgoo where I can 1:1 take anyone but a shaman.. it was frustrating. Charge/intercept, hamstring.. beat down.. that is how it went.
- Hunters are a toss up
- depends on who sees who first. If I see them first I am shooting my "wad" at them and trying to make the battle terribly one sided. If they are BM spec, and their pet is on someone, that is just candy. I blaze through their HP before their DPS machine (the pet) gets to me. If MM spec, its a tie.. he can deal out as much dmg as me, probably more if he has an epic bow/gun.. So its just a matter of how much I got off on him when I started shooting him.
- Mage = +1HK
- I've just seen nothing that can stop me from annihilating a mage at 49 bracket. I don't know if they haven't come into their squishy goodness yet or what. I just haven't seen one that can roll with the dwarf.
- Priest = +1HK
- They Scream to get the pet off them and then realize that I'm going to hit them with aimed shot, all but neutralizing their heals. Shadow priests can't touch me, I drown them in their own blood. I still haven't been pushed by a shadow priest that could take my pushback with either Mcgoo or Dwarf. And aimed shot all but ends the healing goodness from holy priests.
- Rogue, tossup again..
- If I see them, they die and its painful. If they ambush me.. well its just a bad way to start from my perspective. Typically Rogues love going after clothies, as it makes them happy to 1-2 shot someone. So I get ignored. I consider it my honor to kill rogues trying to kill my team's mages/healers (locks should pwn rogues at 49, if they don't they might deserve their fate).
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