Thursday, July 3, 2008

OMG long time no... blog?

Wow updates updates updates...

  1. Dwarfenstuff: He's chilling in Terrokar right now. Why? well he ran out of rested and I thought with the xp buff leveling some lower toons WITH full rested was just a better idea. You'll see why soon...
  2. BigScryBear: He um.. slid from 37 to 40 in like 2 nights of partial attention. I'm not buying my mount because #1 I don't need it atm and #2 the cost will go down with the new patch (whenever that comes)
  3. Brepalan: OP-Pally goodness. He's jumped up several levels and I now LOVE fighting zombies/undead. I've pushed through the vast majority of the duskwood quests (working on stalvan ATM) and should be done with the area after another night off attention. Oh did I mention He's gone up 3 levels also? Well he did. He's even more rediculously OP than before. AND I pushed his engineering skill to max.. Which cost me a lot of gold, gold I hadn't intended on spending.. oh well. I plan on using Mcgoo's Epic riding around tanaris to gather the >100 mithril bars he'll need. I bought 100 thorium in the AH last night (cuz I'm not mining that.. I hate thorium) so I'll need about 90 more bars that I'll have to buy/mine. I may just do a few laps in EPL and see what happens.
So I've been busy. Mcgoo has been taken out of SL/SL durability and thrust back into the LOVE build (full affy/some destro). I have no qualms about him going back into arena/bg's as a affy lock, I really doubt it'll matter. When we won I was ignored in arena, when we lost I was immediately killed.. and that was with sl/sl.. So I can't see there being a big difference there. Sure I'll spend LESS time getting hit and more time getting dead, but whatever.. I'm too late in the arena game and my schedule too wonky to ever compete at the level I probably should be at. PLUS I arena with buddies, not necessarily complimentary classes.. So while we can dish out the dmg, we don't do ... well anything else very good.

In the end, Mcgoo will always be my main focus. My focus on my alts is to provide me with a better launchpad for mcgoo, in lieu of daily quest gold, supplies, farming.. you name it. Majorly I want my nether-ray flying epic mount. thats 5k gold. Do you have it? Not me.. My thought was I could get my hunter up to 70 have him do (skyguard dailies for the trinket, which I think is awesome for farming with a hunter) dailies. My take-home gold for running skyguard and Ogrila dailies was around 80g (before the Shattered Sun Offensive happened) 80g a day is good but for 5k gold? My thought was doing that in 3's. Even if I JUST did those 2 zones' quests.. That plows me up to a daily contribution of 240g. So about 1/4 of a thousand gold, and that's assuming I get NO drops of any merit at all doing those quests (which I always run home with about 4-5 greens).. Then take into consideration the SSO quests in the isle of Quel.. Q'uel.. well whatever its called. SSO q's I don't NEED a flying mount so my dwarf hunter will probably hang out there until I get the sufficient gold for mcgoo to be Epic'd, then He'd get a flying one.. and consequently he'd get the next epic (if there is time before expansion).. Since the druid epic is a friggin crazy quest line in a instance nobody goes to.. He'll get the last one. I hope to get my pally into the 60's but I have some doubts about it since we're talking about getting my 40-70 then my hunter to 70.. then pounding out 5k gold in dailies.. So I doubt he'll make it into his 40's realistically, but he is by FAR the most fun at this point. ( I took on 6 skellies in the cemetary of duskwood all at my level or 1 above and I killed them without bubble and had 20% health left. I mean thats pretty awesome)

I'll let you know after the holiday weekend (maybe sooner if something cool happens) where I'm sitting on all the goals.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! How's it going? Great to see your update!

I have a question: You had asked before about tips and tricks for getting better at Trapping as a hunter - did you mean solo, or in parties?

I'd love to write an entry on that topic, and maybe even put together some video footage :) So lemme know.

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to the question, but I haven't forgotten it :) :)

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